Incomparable Custom Installations
For nearly six decades, Lyric has offered the finest custom installations and audio/video components available, along with expertise and personal service no big-box or internet store can possibly provide. Let our veteran specialists help you blueprint a custom home entertainment system that meets your needs and fulfills your desires.
Musical High Notes

Wilsons Have It All
When You Audition Wilson Speakers, You’ll Hear Why Listeners Revere Them
Wilsons Have It All
When You Audition Wilson Speakers, You’ll Hear Why Listeners Revere Them

Meet Wilson's TuneTot
A Compact Speaker, With Big, Spacious Sound, It Could Fit Your Lifestyle Perfectly
Meet Wilson's TuneTot
A Compact Speaker, With Big, Spacious Sound, It Could Fit Your Lifestyle Perfectly

Your McIntosh Resource
At Lyric, Every McIntosh Component Comes With Our Unrivaled Expertise
Your McIntosh Resource
At Lyric, Every McIntosh Component Comes With Our Unrivaled Expertise

British Crown Jewels
With Bowers & Wilkins Diamonds, Near Flawless Clarity Is Just The Start
British Crown Jewels
With Bowers & Wilkins Diamonds, Near Flawless Clarity Is Just The Start

Magneplanars Are Magic
They're Speakers Without Boxes — For Lifelike, Open, Detailed, Boxless Sound
Magneplanars Are Magic
They're Speakers Without Boxes — For Lifelike, Open, Detailed, Boxless Sound